01. CRO(Хэрэглэгчтэй харилцах оффис)
Бид 24/7 (хоногийн 24 цаг, 7 хоногийн 7 өдөр) танд тусламж үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх болно. Бид таны асуудал/ хүсэлтийг , хурдан шуурхай хариу үзүүлж шийдвэрлэж өгдөг. Үүнээс гадна яаралтай үед бид хариуцсан менежертэй холбогдох, анхан шатны тусламж үзүүлэх болон түргэн дуудах гэх мэт тусламж үзүүлдэг. Мөн шуудангаас илгээмж хүлээж авах, гээсэн зүйл хүлээн авах, гэх мэт үйлчилгээнүүд ч бас багтсан.
- Хэрэглэгчийн ерөнхий үйлчилгээ
- Шуудангийн хүргэлтийн үйлчилгээ

02. AA(Сургалтын Зөвлөх багш)
Шинэ оюутан бүрд тэдний сургалт болон түүнтэй холбоотой асуудалд туслах багшийг (Зөвлөх багш) томилдог. Зөвлөх багш нь оюутанд сургуулийн талаарх мэдээлэл болон сургалттай холбоотой асуудлуудад туслаад зогсохгүй сургуулийн эргэн тойрон, Филиппиний соёл, болон бусад асуудлуудад туслах үйлдэлтэй. Мөн тэд оюутны хичээлийн явц, багш нартай холбоотой санал хүсэлтийг шийдвэрлэхэд туслах бүх асуудал нууцлалтай байх болно.
- Хичээл, хуваарь, сургалтын хөтөлбөр гэх мэт академик зөвлөгөө.
- Counseling

03. Мессеж үйлчилгээ
Бид LINE-ийг сургуулийн үйл явдал, сургуулийн амьдрал, оюутнуудын CIA-д байх хугацаандаа мэдэх шаардлагатай сургуулийн зарын талаарх шуурхай, үнэн зөв мэдээллээр хангахын тулд ашигладаг. Нэмж дурдахад бид оюутнууд ирэхээсээ өмнө бүрэн бэлтгэлтэй байх үүднээс ирэхээс өмнөх мэдээллийн үйлчилгээг санал болгодог. Олон улсын менежерүүд өөрсдийн улсын харилцааны сайтыг (Facebook, Instagram, Viber г.м)ашиглан оюутнуудтайгаа холбогдон хэрэгтэй мэдээллүүдийг өгдөг.
- Сургуулийн мэдээллээр хангах
- Олон улсын менежерүүдтэй харилцах

04. EOP(Зөвхөн Англи Хэлээр Ярих Дүрэм)
Англи хэлийг ангидаа болон сургуулийн бусад бүсэд байнга ашиглахыг зөвлөж байна. "EOP Police" гэх ажилтан кампус дотор эргүүл хийх болно. Хэрэв та англи хэлнээс өөр хэл ашиглавал бол EOP Police таньд торгууль ногдуулах бөгөөд энэ нь сар бүрийн сайн үйлсийн аянд зарцуулагдах болно.
- Оюутнуудыг аль болох англиар ярихыг уриалдаг

05. Угтаж авах үйлчилгээ, угтах хэрэгсэл
CIA ажилтнууд нисэх онгоцны буудлын ирэх хэсэгт шинэ оюутнуудыг хүлээж байх болно. Шинэ оюутнуудыг оюутны хотхонд аюулгүй хүрэхэд нь халуун дотноор угтан, тосож авах үйлчилгээг үзүүлдэг. Оюутнууд ажилтнуудын хамтаар манай сургуулийн автобусаар CIA-ийн кампус руу явах болно.
Оюутан сургуульдаа ирэхдээ сургуулийн барилга байгууламжийн талаар товч мэдээлэл, аюулгүй байдлын зааварчилгаа, түр үнэмлэх, угталтын хэрэгсэл зэргийг хүлээн авна.
- Нисэх онгоцны буудлаас тосч авахаас эхлээд CIA-ийн ажилтнуудын туслалцаатайгаар дотуур байр хүртэл

06. Өглөөний шалгалт
Эхний өдөр шинээр элссэн оюутнуудад чиг баримжаа олгох явцад өглөөний шалгалтын ном авна. Өдөр тутмын тест нь оюутнуудад сурах үндсэн үгсийн сан, дүрмийг агуулдаг. Оюутнууд бие даан суралцах цагаараа эсээ бичдэг ба үүнийг бичгийн хичээлийн ганцаарчилсан ангийн багш нар шалгана. Шалгалтыг Даваагаас Пүрэв гараг хүртэл авна.
Долоо хоногийн нийт оноо: 40 онооноос, ESL – 24 оноо / TOEIC, IELTS – 26 оноо авах ёстой ба, эдгээрээс доогуур оноо авсан оюутнууд дараагийн амралтын өдрүүдэд гадагш гарах эрхгүй болно.
- Оюутан шалгалтын хуудсан дээр нэрээ бичээгүй, хоцорсон, гар утас ашигласан тохиолдолд 0 оноо авна.
- Өдөр тутмын шалгалтад 0 оноо авсан оюутнууд тухайн өдөр гадагш гарах эрхгүй болно. (TOEIC эсвэл IELTS-ийн оюутнууд ажлын өдрүүдэд гадагш гарахын тулд 7-с дээш оноо авсан бол PRE-TOEIC эсвэл PRE-IELTS-ийн оюутнууд 4-с дээш ESL- н оюутнууд оноо авсан байх ёстой.

07. Эрүүл мэндийн үйлчилгээ
Бид сурагчдынхаа эрүүл мэндийг сайтар хянаж байдаг ба сургуулийн сувилагч өдөр бүр 16 цагийн турш танд туслахаар ажилладаг мөн долоо хоногт 1 удаа эмч ирж хэрэгтэй тусламж үйлчилгээг үзүүлдэг.
- Оюутнууд өглөө 10 цагаас өмнө эмчийн үзлэгт хамрагдах хүсэлтээ маягт дээр нэрээ бичиж бүртгүүлнэ

Худалдааны Төв
A shopping mall is one or more buildings form a complex of indoor shops with interconnecting walkways. Себу хотод олон худалдааны төвүүд байдаг ба бид Себугийн хамгийн алдартай худалдааны төвүүдийг санал болгож байна.

Себу хотод 2 автобусны терминал байдаг. Ослоб ба Моалбоал руу явах өмнөд автобусны буудал, Бантаян, Камотес хотууд руу явах хойд автобусны буудал.

Алдартай Далайн Эргүүд
Себу хотод жуулчдыг татах олон газрууд байдаг. Себугийн наран шарлагын газрууд нь дэлхийн хамгийн үзэсгэлэнтэй наран шарлагын газруудын нэг гэдгээрээ алдартай. Себугийн шилдэг наран шарлагын газруудыг хармаар байна уу?

Cebu Tourist Spots and Destinations
Жуулчдын дийлэнх нь Себу, Мактан арал эсвэл Бусад түүхэн газруудаар зочилдог. Гэхдээ Себу хотод бусад аялал жуулчлалын газрууд байдаг ба бид таныг мэдээллээр хангахад туслах болно.

Адал явдал ба Үйл ажиллагаанууд
Хэрэв та адал явдалд сонирхолтой бол Себу хотод янз бүрийн сонирхолтой зүйлсийг туршиж үзэх боломжтой. Барилга хооронд зип лайнаар гулгахаас эхлээд шүхрээр үсрэх зэрэг Себу хотод танд таалагдах олон төрлийн үйл ажиллагааг бид танилцуулж байна.

Себу хотын түүхэн газрууд
Себугийн түүх харийн гүрнүүдийн түрэмгийллээр эхэлсэн бөгөөд тэр үед католик шашин ч бас номлодог байжээ. Магеллан бол Себугийн түүхэн дэх чухал хэсэг юм. Basilica del Santo Niño Cathedral болон Magellan's Cross зэрэг түүхэн аялал жуулчлалын газрууд нь Себугийн аялал жуулчлалын гол цэгүүд юм.

Мактан Себу олон улсын нисэх онгоцны буудал
Мактан Себу нисэх онгоцны буудал нь Филиппин дэх Манилагаас гадна олон улсын агаарын тээврийн хамгийн том төв юм. Одоогийн байдлаар тус нисэх буудал нь жилд 10 сая орчим гадаад, дотоодын зорчигчдод үйлчилдэг бөгөөд жил бүр тогтвортой өсөлттэй байна. Нисэх буудлын байгууламжтай танилцацгаая!

Усан үйл ажиллагаа
Себу хотод парасайлинг, банана завь, жэт ски, усанд шумбах зэрэг янз бүрийн усан спорт, мөн усан паркууд байдаг. Илүү ихийг шалгацгаая!

Япон ресторанууд
Себу хотод төрөл бүрийн хоолоор үйлчилдэг олон япон ресторан байдаг. Бидний зочилсон хамгийн их санал болгож буй ресторануудыг хараарай.

Вьетнам ресторанууд
Себу хотод олон вьетнам зоогийн газар байдаггүй, гэхдээ энд маш амттай хоолтой цөөхөн хэдэн Вьетнам ресторан байдаг.

Солонгос хоолны газрууд
Себуд зөвхөн япон ресторанаас гадна олон төрлийн солонгос хоолны газар, ресторанууд байдаг. Бид танд үндэсний солонгос хоолноос эхлээд Солонгос шарсан махны газруудыг санал болгож байна.

Тайван ресторанууд
Себу хотод удаан хугацаагаар амьдарч байгаа Хятад болон Тайван Филиппин олон иргэд байдаг. Тиймээс Себу хотод Тайван, Хятад үндэсний хоол маш олон байдаг. Санал болгож буй Тайван ресторануудыг танилцуулъя.

Хятад ресторанууд
Хятадууд бүх улс оронд нутгийн иргэдтэй уусаж, амьдарч ирсэн. Олон хүмүүс Хятадын соёл, хоолонд дуртай. Бид Себу хотын хамгийн шилдэг хятад ресторануудыг санал болгож байна.

Араб/Ойрхи Дорнодын ресторанууд
Себугаас Дубай руу шууд нислэг хийх боломжтой болсноор Арабаас ирэх жуулчдын тоо нэмэгдэж байна үүнийг дагаад Себу хотод Араб хоолны газрууд улам бүр нээгдэж байна. Дараах газруудаас сонирхоно уу.

Бусад ресторанууд
Себуд олон орны маш амттай хоолны сонголтуудтай ресторанууд маш олон байдаг. Филиппин болон Барууны мөн өөр бусад орнуудын хоолны соёлтой танилцах боломжтой.

Кофе шопууд
Кофе, цай эсвэл баабл цай уумаар байна уу? Кофе уунгаа, найзуудтайгаа чатлах, амрах, мөн амттан идээд тухтай орчинд суух бол дараах хэсгээс сонирхоорой.
FAQ 목록
QQ-1What is the pronunciation of Filipino English?
A Having learned English as a second language, Filipinos in general speak the language with an accent. For the most part, they speak American English. However, not many Filipino teachers can speak like native speakers, and their students are sometimes not able to understand them because of their accent. At CIA, though, teachers speak with almost a neutral accent to slightly accented English. Their way of speaking is clear enough for the students.
QQ-2 Is training possible even for a complete novice?
A Despite the low level of English proficiency, complete novices or beginners are trainable. CIA offers man-to-man beginner classes to help them advance through the higher levels until they attain the proficiency level required for one to study abroad.
QQ-3 Location of the school
A CIA is presently located in A.S. Fortuna Street, Mandaue City. AS Fortuna is a lively street lined with restaurants, convenience stores, and wellness spas. Also, a nearby shopping mall is within walking distance of the school.
QQ-4 What is SSP? What is a visa extension?
A SSP or Special Study Permit is a special enrollment permit issued by the Philippine government to foreign students so that they can legally study in the Philippines. All students who wish to enroll at CIA must secure the said permit.A visa extension is required of foreigners staying in the country for over thirty (30) days or five (5) weeks. For your information, a tourist visa, which is valid for thirty (30) days, is free of charge. Such kind of visa requires a return ticket, and the tourist’s passport should be valid during his or her stay in the country plus six (6) months or more. A student enrolled in CIA with a tourist visa is allowed to stay for four (4) weeks or less. However, for students who wish to extend their stay, the staff will assist them in getting a visa extension. -
QQ-5 How many passport-size photos are needed?
A Only 1 picture is needed for your Student ID, all other pictures will be taken here at CIA and printed from a nearby shop for only 100php.
QQ-6 What are the benefits of studying in the Philippines?
A Studying in the Philippines has many benefits. First, a student can learn the English language at a very affordable price, which is considerably lower than the cost of studying in Western countries. Second, man-to-man classes are long enough and are paced to make sure that one achieves proficiency and that the learning objectives are met. Third, a studentcan have many opportunities to use English in communication since the locals use it, too, in everyday situations, such as shopping and eating at restaurants. Finally, a student not only can have a fulfilling student life but also can enjoy other things that the country can offer, such as the famous beaches in Cebu.
QQ-7 What is the climate in the Philippines?
A The Philippines has a tropical climate. It is warm throughout the year; the country’s average annual temperature is around 27ºC. The rainy season lasts from June to October, while the dry season is from November to May. Other regions in the country like Cebu, though, may experience very rainy or very sunny weather throughout the year. For this type of climate, it is fine to wear summer clothes and accessories like sunglasses and hats, all of which can be purchased at local shopping malls and markets. When the weather is very hot, people frequent places with air-conditioning like shopping malls.
QQ-8 What about security in Cebu? /Is Cebu secured/safe?
A Compared to your home country/ country of origin, Cebu has good security measures. Public safety has improved particularly in cities and towns. There is low crime rate making the place safer to live compared to any other areas in the Philippines. However, the gap between the rich and the poor is high, making robbers, burglaries, as well as casualties common. Tourists should then follow basic precautions, such as staying in instead of going out at midnight or secure their own belongings like bags, phones and money in public places.
Yet, at CIA, there is 24-hour security. Only students, teachers, and other staff members are allowed to enter the school premises. For overall safety, students must observe necessary precautions when going out.
QQ-9 Do I need to be insured when I study abroad?/ Do I need to get an insurance when I study abroad?
A In general, medical services for foreigners in the Philippines are expensive, so you should get insurance for possible emergencies. You may catch a cold because of sudden change in weather or have a stomachache from eating exotic food or drinking water or contract a disease peculiar to Southeast Asia (e.g., dengue). Also, it is possible that you can meet a road accident. Although there has been a few of these cases, it’s highly recommended that students get health insurance.
QQ-10 What is the average expense in a month?
A On average one’s expenses total around $150 per month. The expenses exclude school-related fees like SSP (special study permit), dormitory deposit, visa extension fee, and electricity bill, all of which are to be paid after the orientation on the first day. some students who do not often eat out to dine out or go sightseeing only spend about $50 a month for daily necessities. However, those who enjoy recreational activities like scuba diving, golfing, and traveling should prepare a little more than $500. Also, one should set aside pocket money for the entire stay. On the first day at CIA, students is accompanied by a staff member and will proceed to money changer at nearby mall to have their money changed into Philippine peso.
QQ-11 Packing before departure, do you have tips on how to pack up easily? /What are the tips on packing up before departure?
A Please pay attention to your baggage allowance. Pack only the bare essentials. Do not bring liquids, such as shampoo, rinse, and lotion, anymore. Upon your arrival in the country, you can go to a shopping mall near CIA for your needs. Also, pack clothes enough for at least a week, including casual and travel clothes. Bring light, inexpensive ones that can be regularly washed. (For your information, CIA offers laundry services to its students.)
QQ-12 Can I study with the personal materials, not the school materials?
A No. CIA has its specific curriculum that students and teachers follow in each course. However, you may still bring your personal materials for self-study.
QQ-13 What are the most common characteristics of the Filipinos?
A Filipinos are generally optimistic and cheerful. They are mostly Catholic, so they uphold Christian values and beliefs. Also, they are very good at communicating with foreigners, making them suitable English teachers.
QQ-14 What is the secret to the success of the Philippine language training?
A Approach, competence, and support are vital to the success of Philippine language training. CIA currently takes a student-centered approach to teaching English. With the students in mind, the school uses up-to-date and suitable materials for language instruction and continues to develop and improve its courses and assessments. Also, CIA employs competent teachers, who are skilled at both using and teaching the language. Using appropriate strategies and techniques, they provide meaningful learning experiences to their students according to their level and needs. Lastly, CIA provides excellent student support where staff works hard to make students’ stay pleasant and enjoyable while studying.
QQ-15 I can hardly speak English, but is it okay?
A Of course. A student-centered approach to teaching English, which is used by CIA, would be very beneficial to a student of any level even if he or she can hardly speak English. At CIA a new student will take a test to determine his or her level of English proficiency then attend classes that cater to that level. Classes are designed for students of different levels, from beginner to master’s level, and they are from Mondays through Fridays.
QQ-16 Can I change my class or teacher?
A Students’ first week at CIA is intended for students to be able to adjust to their general life and studies, so they are not allowed to change classes yet. However, students can take any other class (e.g. Native or CNN, or a different group or activity class) or course they desire (e.g., TOEIC, IELTS, Business, Working Holiday based on the start dates which are once a moth).
It should be known that any course change; there is additional fee which will differ per course. Also, you need to take a test to determine the level before taking the course. Once you have decided to switch to another course, you must follow the course change procedure and pick a priority number for class changes.
QQ-17 Is internet (wifi connection) available/accessible?
A Yes. There are Wi-Fi hotspots in CIA, and students can access those networks for free. The Internet connection, though, may vary in speed according to the number of real time users.
QQ-18 What about the shower and restroom in the dorm?
A CIA provides hot/cold water and standard restroom amenities in both of our on-campus and off-campus residences.
QQ-19 What is the room like?
AThe CIA dormitory has single, double, and triple rooms. Each room is air-conditioned. It has a refrigerator, a hot/cold shower, a toilet, and a washbasin. All rooms are furnished with beds, study desks, and lockers. A water dispenser is in the corridor. Also, the rooms have Wi-Fi, though access during breaks and after classes might be limited or poor because many users are trying to gain access.Besides the CIA dormitory, one can choose any of the following:The Orchard Cebu Hotel and SuitesAddress: A.S Fortuna Street, Bakilid, Mandaue City, CebuRoom details:The rooms in this hotel are air-conditioned, and they have Wi-Fi. Each room has a bed, a closet, a desk, a safe, a TV, a refrigerator, hot shower, toilet, and a washbasin.Cityscape HotelAddress: F. Cabahug St., Subangdaku, Mandaue CityRoom details:Rooms are air-conditioned, and they have Wi-Fi. Each one has a bed, a closet, a desk, a TV, a refrigerator, a hot shower, a toilet, and a washbasin. Guests of the hotel can use the swimming pool.Midori ResidencesAddress: A. S. Fortuna St, Mandaue CityCondominium unit details:The unit is air-conditioned and has Wi-Fi. It has the following: bed, closet, desk, dining table, refrigerator, hot shower, toilet, washbasin, hair dryer, microwave oven, cooking heater, and kitchen utensils. Also, the condominium has an outdoor pool and fitness gym. -
QQ-20 Is the enrollment date fixed for the Q-20?
AYes. Enrollment usually takes place on a Monday. If a holiday falls on that day, the enrollment is on the next day (Tuesday). Also, depending on the course, enrollment takes place once a month. If you would like to take the TOIEC or the IELTS course, you should check the opening day of the course.On their first day at CIA, students take the level test and attend an orientation.Graduation of students is on a Friday. After graduation students check out of the dormitory usually the next day (Saturday sometimes Sunday). If there would be a problem about getting plane tickets, the students might leave on the day of graduation. In case a student requests that his or her stay be extended, he or she should contact the administration. -
QQ-21 How can I clean the room?
A CIA dormitory rooms are cleaned once a week (twice if there is available housekeeping). During the cleaning day, bed linens are replaced, floor is swept and mopped, and the restrooms are cleaned. To those who are staying in a hotel, the hotel has its own cleaning services. For those who are staying in Midori Premium Residences, we provide cleaning two times a week.
QQ-22 How do I do the laundry?
A CIA offers a free laundry service. Students may avail of the service twice a week and pick up 2-3 days after deposit. The service is for regular wear clothes and not for special attire and overly sensitive fabric. We use regular detergent which may cause shrinking or discoloration to clothes that need special care. Therefore, it’s a good idea to leave those types of clothing to an expert. Because we care for your clothes like our own, compensation is provided in case of damage up to Php200 or loss of up to P500.
QQ-23 What kind of meals are served? Philippine cuisine?
A CIA serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals daily to its students. It serves meals of Western food (e.g., bread, egg, soup, salad), Korean food (e.g., porridge, vegetable dishes, fruits), Japanese food (e.g., beef bowl, squid fry, soup), and Taiwanese food (e.g., white rice, simmered pork, croquette, soup), and recently more on International cuisine by our Chef with almost 30 years of culinary experience to accommodate all the different nationalities here at CIA.
QQ-24 What can Students do on the weekday and weekend?
A CIA uses a Semi-Sparta system. In this system students attend classes on Mondays through Thursdays, 8:00–18:00, and on Fridays, 8:00–17:10. They take the daily test before the first period of the day. Saturdays and Sundays are free. On their free days they can go diving or island hopping, or they can enjoy buffets at restaurants and hotels.All students have to strictly observe the curfew hours: Sunday to Thursday: 10:00 PM (On days without classes the following day, the curfew is 12 o'clock; on days with classes the following day, curfew is 10 am.) • Friday and Saturday: 12:00 AM -
QQ-25 How do you respond to medical emergencies?
A Nurses at CIA are always on duty on weekdays, 8:00–18:00. A qualified doctor comes to CIA on Wednesdays to hold a consultation with the students. He can speak a little Japanese. If there is any unclear information during the consultation, staff members are standing by to help clarify it.In case the patient shows serious symptoms, a staff member will take him or her to a nearby hospital to receive emergency care.Also, it is advisable that one studying abroad should obtain an international travel insurance for emergencies. -
QQ-26 Is the Japanese staff permanent?
A Yes we have many International Staff to cater to our Students. We have a manager for each nationality here at CIA to make sure that if anything happens that the Student is able to speak in his/her native language to the manager. So there is no need to worry as we have a great system to make sure your stay here at CIA and Cebu is safe and comfortable as possible.
QQ-27 How much cash will I bring? Is currency exchange available?
A The amount of cash that you should bring depends on how long you are going to stay at CIA. Your money should cover school-related fees like SSP (special study permit), dormitory deposit, visa extension fee, and electricity bill, all of which are to be paid after the orientation on your first day at CIA. Those who do not eat out or go sightseeing spend about $150 a month for daily necessities only. However, those who enjoy recreational activities like scuba diving, golfing, and traveling should prepare a little more than $500 on top of $200 for extra expenses depending on what you would like to do. So, you should set aside pocket money for your entire stay. On your first day at CIA, a staff member will accompany you to a money exchanger at a nearby mall to change your money to Philippine peso.
QQ-28 How about the security at the School?
A CIA is located in Mandaue City, a safe city within a ten-minute drive from Cebu City, the capital of Cebu province. Also, the school is surrounded by a high wall. The security guards are on duty 24/7, and they are stationed at the gate and do roving regularly. Upon entry every student, teacher, and staff member is required to present his or her ID card and to log in through fingerprint authentication. With security in place, outsiders cannot easily enter the school.
QQ-29 is there a convenience store nearby?
A Yes. The nearest one is located within 5-minute walking distance of CIA. Also, there is a 7-Eleven store near J Centre Mall, a nearby shopping mall (only 450 meters away from the school), and many restaurants.
QQ-30 What is the level of English proficiency and pronunciation of the Filipinos?
A In the Philippines, English is used as one of its official languages. The government, schools, and different establishments generally use English as their medium of communication. In schools the language is mainly used as the medium of instruction. With such exposure to the language, Filipinos in general get more than average scores in TOEIC, IBT in the Asian region.Different kinds of English, such as the British English, the American English, the Canadian English, and the Australian English, are used in different parts of the world. It is difficult then to identify which pronunciation is the best one to learn. Nonetheless, teachers at CIA continue to improve their English skills through tests and trainings. Also, there are native speakers who teach English courses at CIA. Students can join those courses to learn pronunciation and practical expressions. -
QQ-31 What is the average price for services/goods in the Philippines?
A Philippine goods and services vary in price. For instance, taxi fare starts at 40 pesos, equivalent to about $.79, which is cheaper than a taxi fare in the USA, Japan, and Korea. Depending on the spa, massages cost around 250 to 300 pesos per hour, which is about $5. Soft drinks and beers are cheap, but coffee costs about the same as anywhere else (meaning like Starbucks, Bo’s Coffee, and Coffee Factory).
QQ-32 What are your passport/visa requirements when you study abroad?
A Your passport must be valid during your stay plus six months (or more). Also, you need a Special Study Permit (SSP), a special enrollment permit issued by the Philippine government to foreign students; a visa extension if you are staying in the country for over thirty (30) days; and an alien registration card called ACR I-Card if you are staying for more than sixty (60) days. For students enrolled at CIA, the staff will assist you in obtaining the requirements.
QQ-33 What is SSP?
A SSP or Special Study Permit is a special enrollment permit issued by the Philippine government to foreign students so that they can legally study in the Philippines. For students enrolled at CIA, rest assure that the school will act on behalf of them to obtain the permit.
QQ-34 Are many International shops available?
A Many International favorites like McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Donuts, 7-Eleven, MUJI, and Daiso can be found in most malls. At SM Mall one can purchase some International products like miso soup and sprinkle, sweets, and seasonings, though they are a slightly expensive.
QQ-35 What is the coverage of overseas insurance?
A The doctor who comes to CIA will check a student’s insurance during the consultation.His or her credit card supplementary foreign insurance applies. Also, his or her insurance should cover any examination or treatment at a hospital. However, one should verify the coverage of his or her insurance before going abroad by calling the insurance company. For instance, dental checkup in the Philippines are often expensive; it costs a patient around $20. So, one is advised to go to his or her dentist for a checkup or a treatment before leaving abroad.
QQ-36 What is the most difficult thing to obtain in the Philippines?
A Electronic dictionaries, International reference books, foreign made medicines (non USA), and other International products are difficult to find in the Philippines. So, students going abroad are advised to bring their personal things with them if necessary. Other necessities are available in the country.
QQ-37 How should I prepare before leaving?
A "Required items
Passport - Please note the expiration date. Staying period + 6 months is required.
Tickets - When entering the Philippines, you need a return ticket or a ticket to leave the Philippines.
Wallet - Prepare for the following: Round trip transportation expenses from home to the airport + local school expenses + allowance
Overseas travel insurance policy - How to Use: contacts are listed. (Subscription is optional)
Clothing - It is recommended to take suitable amount of clothes including every day wear and going out outfits.
Please bring footwear ideal to tropical weather.
We offer laundry service twice a week. Cleaned laundry will be available for pickup 3 days after.
Towel - Please take enough bath and face towels.
Toiletries - Shampoo, conditioner, hair treatments, body soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper at least 1 roll
Cosmetics - In addition to basic cosmetics, we also recommend bringing of sunscreen due to the hot weather in the Philippines.
Although glasses and contact lens supplies can be purchased locally, it’s best to have them handy.
a copy of passport - Always store passport in a safe place.
Medicine - In case of colds or diarrhea, we recommend taking medicines you have previously taken in your country.
Dictionary/Translator - Only English texts are available at school. There are no Japanese reference books.
Writing Materials - Although it can be purchased locally, the quality in Japan is better.
Tote bag / backpack - It is recommended to take a school bag such backpack to carry educational items such books and other school supplies around the campus."
Cards - International cash card, credit card (VISA or MASTER) etc.
Electronic dictionary - You may bring any form of bilingual dictionary, electronic or traditional. It will come in handy especially in studying vocabulary.
Leisure goods - Swimwear, beach sandals, sunglasses, hats, insect repellent and bug bites.
Camera - Please remember the memories of your study abroad life.
Laptop - Lessons or assignments requiring a PC is not normally given. However, you’re welcome to bring a laptop for research and viewing purposes.
Charger - You may bring your camera, PC and mobile phones.
A transformer - Philippines voltage system is 220V 60hrz.
Please ensure appliances are compatible to Philippine voltage.
AA battery - The closet/safety deposit box in the on-campus dormitory is battery operated lock.
Please have three AA batteries. They can be purchased locally
* There is no need to provide batteries if you’re staying in one of our off-campus dormitories.
Guidebook - It’s a good idea to have beach sandals or tropical footwear that will come in handy when travelling.
Photo ID - Please check availability of any products before bringing them to the Philippines.
There’s a possibility that they may be readily available in local stores.
Instant Food - Oatmeal, miso soup, tea, etc.
Please take note of the checked baggage weight restrictions on airplanes.