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Writer CIA ADMIN Writing Date24-05-22 16:50 View 2,940 Comment 0관련링크
Hello. As I conclude my happy life at the CIA for about three months starting at the end of February, I am writing a review.
I've dreamed of studying a language since I was a college student, but in fact, I couldn't put it into practice because I kept thinking of next time, next time, next time, and the excuse that I was busy and that I was a poor college student. I wasn't able to put it into practice because I couldn't invest a lot of time while working. Then, I knocked on the door of language training with the idea of eliminating one thing I would regret before it was too late.
Everyone around me tried to stop me, asking me what I wanted since I was getting old and saying it would be better to buy a luxury bag with that money, but the conclusion was, “It was a good trip,” and “It’s not a waste of time or money.”
Of course, I felt a little awkward among young people who got along well without any hesitation, but I overcame it well at a late age and became best roommates with young foreign roommates. As a result, my WeChat and Line, which were filled with only business relationships, became filled with CIA friends.
Luckily, I met all the teachers very well, and without much change, I ended up staying with the teachers I met for the first time until the end.
He spent a lot of time on speaking and business emails tailored to my needs, and he explained my grammar requests very clearly. This is the part I was most satisfied with.
I think that because the teachers were well prepared for class, they were able to easily answer my spontaneous grammar questions.
From what I heard, CIA teachers take tests periodically. Do you feel like you are thoroughly prepared to teach English?
Anyway, in many ways, I think it was a good decision to choose CIA after comparing other cheap language schools.

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