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Writer CIA ADMIN Writing Date24-06-19 15:06 View 1,044 Comment 0


I will be going to Australia on a working holiday next, so I would like to use what I have learned in my work. Also, at CIA, I have many opportunities to make friends abroad and go to various places, so I would like to make friends abroad in Australia and be able to communicate in English. I previously attended a language school in Vancouver, Canada for one month when I was a student. Because CIA is a dormitory system, it is easier to make friends abroad than in Vancouver, and there are many opportunities to be exposed to English, which I think will lead to further growth. I think it will be difficult to make friends abroad at first because of the nervousness, but since my roommates are foreigners (more than two rooms), I think I will be able to make friends in that way as well. Classes are available for both one-on-one lessons and group lessons, so you can learn according to your abilities, especially in one-on-one lessons. If you tell the teacher in the one-on-one lesson what you want to do or what you are having trouble with, he will teach you carefully and in a fun way, so you can study comfortably. Also, since you will basically learn from the same teacher for each unit, you will become closer with each day and enjoy the class more. Also, I changed to the IELTS course halfway through, so writing every day was difficult. However, the teacher corrected my writing thoroughly, so I think I was able to improve the content of my writing. In addition, the content of other skills also became more difficult, and I was able to take more in-depth classes and learn English. Although it was difficult every day, I think I improved my English skills. In group lessons, depending on the person, there are multiple classes, so you have the opportunity to talk not only with your classmates but also with seniors from overseas and Japan, so if you become friends with them, you can go to recommended places together and make new friends. Also, unlike one-on-one lessons, group lessons have the opportunity to talk with the teacher, so you can be exposed to English from people other than Filipinos. After all, pronunciation and intonation are different depending on the country and person, so there are many things you don't understand, but on the other hand, if you don't understand, the conversation won't continue, so I think it's good practice. In group lessons, you can also take lessons from native teachers and be exposed to native English, so I think it's a good class for those who are thinking of going to another country after graduating from CIA. The atmosphere in the Philippines (Cebu Island) is different from Japan, so I think it will be a good experience. You can experience a culture that is different from Japan, such as national character, cityscape, and differences in transportation, and enjoy the differences. Also, there are many islands around Cebu Island, so you can go on various activities. The sea is also very beautiful, so I think it's the best environment for people who love the sea. My language skills have improved since I enrolled, so I'm glad I came.




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